Friday, 22 September 2017

vString X-FET 4.5 released

As promised earlier this week I am please to say the X-Fet 4.5 version is released.

Featuring all the improvements of the vString 4.5 scripting system these have been brought completely up to date.

There is far too many improvements to list however I can break it down to three.

* Evo Versions. As with the other breasts the X-Fets now have Evolution capabilities which means they will now work with Omega Appliers for the skin (not materials though)
* vString Materials now onboard which means you can add Shine and depth to them
* 4.5 Milk system and updated designer hud. More options open to customers there.

Customers who previously bought the X-Fet's simply wear the updater included with the breasts or go in store to get the latest version from the Redelivery terminal

Here is the other information fully broken down